Over 220 stores on over 114.000 square meters of GLA: these are the figures that testify to the ambitions of the retail park that will be developed near the airport of reference for North-Western Italy, with a traffic of almost 2.5 million passengers a year. A model that has shown enormous potential for success all over the world and that the partnership between investor Aedes Siiq and DEA aims to bring a new level of effectiveness and innovation. Opening of the first PREMIUM lot is scheduled for 2021.
What DEA is doing for Caselle Open Mall?
Advisory: presounding activities, with analysis of the shopping mall / high street competition, evaluation of the passing rent, identification of the Italian and international premium brands to be involved in the premium area, and preparation of the ad hoc final document.
Opening: 2021
Shops: 220
Restaurants: 40
Total GLA: 114.000 sqm