A platform dedicated to investment in the RE

In its strategy to consolidate its presence on the Italian market, Apollo Global Management has identified and choose as partners the best players on the territory, who shall define the best growth strategy on the market.

ReItaly Fund has appointed DEA as advisor to its asset portfolio of over 300 million euros managed by Bnp Paribas SGR. The portfolio includes successful malls, such as the Bicocca Village in Milan and the 45th Nord Entertainment Center in Moncalieri (Turin), as well as a series of large areas leased to major French anchors, leaders in mass market retail.

This represents an ambitious and articulated project, in which DEA has been the manager of the entire process, from acquisition to disposal.

In synergy with Realty Partners, which has been appointed as local strategic partner by Apollo for investments in real estate in Italy, DEA participates in a challenging investments management project for about 500 million euros.


Discover more @ http://realtypartners.it


What we do for ReItaly Fund:

– Co-investment

– Acquisition

– Asset & Development Management

– Advisory